I design product solutions by learning from users, understanding complex systems and creating visually compelling interfaces. You can find out more about me @danielacaicedo or connect with me



I’m a New York based designer by way of Bogota, currently working at Adobe and focusing on Generative AI experiences for Firefly. I am passionate about working on an agile team that challenges me and contributing to a product that can delight and help its users.

Outside of design, I enjoy traveling, discovering the best ramen spots in NYC, and decompressing with yoga.

Internet things
Mujeres Spotlight
Latinas in Tech: ¡El grupo de networking que necesitas conocer ya!
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative + Adobe Creative Jam - Judge
World Interaction Design Day 2019 - Presenter
Thought at Work Voices 2019 Conference at RIT - Speaker


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All images copyright Daniela Caicedo 2021. All rights reserved.